Francois Boucher
Francois Boucher tapestries
These Francois Boucher tapestries are mostly woven at Lake Como, the centre of the best weaving of Italian tapestry wall-hangings, though a few are woven in France or Belgium.
All are in the spirit of a major figure in European tapestry weaving illustrating charming 18th century landscape tapestry scenes with a touch of romance. Francois Boucher was Director of the royal workshops at Beauvais and then at the prestigious Gobelins factory in Paris established earlier by Louis XIV. Boucher (1703-70) was Court Painter for Louis XV and a protege of Mme de Pompadour. It was said of him that "Boucher is one of those men who represent the taste of a century, who express, personify and embody it." The art of Francois Boucher was typical of the Rococo period with its balancing of fantasy with reality, from nudes and cherubs to landscapes and portraits.
The most famous Francois Boucher tapestries were the Noble Pastorale series of 1755 of which many below are details. The originals are twelve feet high and up to nineteen feet in length. His tapestry designs are recognisable for the idyllic romantic scenes in country settings, combining the classical and the pastoral. Some below are his designs, others directly inspired by his work and others are in his style.
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