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The Forest - Lion

The Forest tapestry - Lion

The Forest tapestry shows a lion as a detail of a much larger work by Morris & Co called The Forest, designed in 1887. It was commissioned by Aleco Ionides and designed by William Morris (1834 - 1896). The original includes the lion, above, in the center. flanked by a peacock on the left, and a crow to the right. Seen as one of his most successful works The Forest has a number of animals set against an ornate background of acanthus leaves, an element of the design attributed to Morris's colleague Henry Dearle (1860 - 1932).

William Morris Lion

Sometimes referred to as the William Morris Lion tapestry this shows the lion with a fox and a hare, with the rich colours and beautifully layered composition a testament to the craftmanship of all the work produced by Morris & Co in the 19th century. The original is now in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Woven in France, this tapestry is fully lined and has a tunnel for ease of hanging. We supply instructions for the care and hanging of tapestries with each order.

The main image above shows the larger size (no longer available) of The Forest - Lion tapestry which has darker colours, as does the one below here hanging in a lovely home setting in Chicago. Tom, the home owner, wrote "My home is far more interesting, and certainly lovelier because of Tapestry House". Below that is an image of the smaller size which is slightly lighter in tone.

William Morris Lion tapestry - The Forest wall-hanging

The Forest Tapestry - Lion - small size





The Forest - Lion



The Forest tapestry shows a lion as a detail of a much larger work by Morris & Co called The Forest, designed in 1887. It was commissioned by Aleco Ionides and designed by...MORE

*All prices are in USD