The Smell
The Smell tapestry is one of the Lady with the Unicorn series of medieval tapestries. The originals are in the Cluny Museum, Paris depicting the senses, in their own magnificent display room. This version is woven in France and it is fully lined, with a rod pocket for easy wall-hanging.
You may find it helpful to know that these Lady with the Unicorn tapestries match the above tapestry being from the same weaver and in the same or very similar weaves:-
Taste tapestry wallhanging
Touch wallhanging tapestry
Sight tapestry wallhanging
Hearing wall tapestry
To My Sole Desire tapestry
The Smell
The Smell tapestry is one of the Lady with the Unicorn series of medieval tapestries. The originals are in the Cluny Museum, Paris depicting the senses, in their own magnificent...MORE