Monet Tapestries

Monet tapestries, ie tapestry reproductions of his wonderful paintings, are understandably popular today. One of our supplying tapestry weavers has just released two more tapestries from his wonderful art and a further one from a modern painting of Monet's lake at Giverny in Normandy. It is not difficult to see why Claude Monets art is ideal as tapestry wall-hangings.
Monet tapestries
· The soft brush strokes of Monet’s Impressionist art lends itself so well to the gentle appearance produced by tapestry weaving. · Framed prints have a hard look whereas the softness of a wall tapestry suits the Impressionist style well. · Many homes have a Monet framed print but not many a tapestry. Now there are many of his paintings available as Monet tapestries including Giverny scenes · Impressionist art is perhaps the most popular period for home décor today. · And they are so beautiful!
Above is one of these new tapestries, Irises in Monet's Garden, woven in Belgium featuring his gardens at Giverny, from a 1900 oil painting. Monet's art has inspired so many so it is not surprising that we have tapestries by modern artists of his lake where he spent productive years. These include the Monet's Garden series (see top image) and now a new Belgian tapestry (below) from a painting by Bob Pejman who is responsible for many of our Mediterranean tapestries.